Ghostly Sweet Treat: gay historical romance by Jason Fronde - Narrated by Guy Veryzer


Audiobook Review

Ok, I bought this one on a whim, I liked the title and I rarely read historical romance (like omg, the 60's is old times now) but the cover was cute enough for me to try this.

So back in the old days of the 60's, Preston wanted to open a bakery that also was a coffee shop. He wanted it so badly that he went to a medium and connected with a 19th century French baker ghost who taught him how to make delicious sweets.

Preston meets a man Oliver, who he falls for and who also has the hots for him

They get together not only in their personal life but the business as well and live happily ever after.

This is a very short audio so I can't get into details but this is a fade to black while using baking puns to describe sexytimes.

The narration was good, I have not read any books with Guy Veryzer before but they did a wonderful job

#mmromance #audiobook


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