Reckless Roulette (The Elite #1) by Alice Winters


First off, shout out to Alice for giving me a video game mc. I don't mean one that just plays a shooting game now and again with friends, but a die hard player who is so much like me. Minus the killing part.

Spoilers ahead

So in here we have Kade, a really horrible person if we are going to be honest. I was gonna dnf this, as I really disliked him, but thankfully, Kade started having the "why am I such a horrible person" thoughts and I love it when a really horrible person suddenly grows a heart and feelings.

Anyways, Kade is being harassed by a bad guy. A bad guy who coincidently was also raised and abused by Kade's father. See, Kade was a mean bad guy, but Kade's father was a horrible human being. Said bad guy Norn, thought Kade's father was going to leave him the casino so he had him killed. Unfortunately, it was left to Kade and Norn really wanted to launder the money through the casino and he hated Kade for reasons. (no, I have no idea either)

Kade asks his only friend to find someone to take Norn out. This person is Len.

But Len only works for people he likes and after a hilarious meeting, finds out the Kade is an arsehole so nopes out of working for him.

But, Len is so nice that he gives Kade another chance and suddenly there are feelings.

Len is a complicated soul. He loves video games, anime, binging tv, and killing those who hurt others. He was also very abused by his brother. Yea, the over all bad guy.

It all ends very matter of fact in front of a lot of cops (no, dont ask, just go with it) and they finally are able to be with each other.

But you may be asking, what about this club in the hotel for bad guys?

Well they both showed up there once, with Len having a panic attack at having to use an elevator, and Len telling them to leave them alone. Then at the end of the book, they stay there to recuperate. I guess like the hotel in the John Wick movies, they don't think twice when people who are beat up and shot show up in a fancy hotel to get a room.

I really started to enjoy this on around 43% in. And I cannot wait for the audio, it will be great.
