A Hero in Hiding (Vexing Villains, #2) by Alice Winters


Oh I literally savored this one.

This was the book I read in small batches when I needed a break from the more angsty book I was reading.

Spoilers ahead

Ok, so in book 2, we pick up the story as Landon and August are shacking up together and doing interviews to get everyone in the city to understand that even though Landon is not a "hero", he is also not a "villain" either. He is literally someone who wants to sit and read. I have never loved a MC more than this book loving antipeople MC. He also wants August to love books as well.

When I met August, he only read a little, so I’ve been trying to show him the wonders of books by buying him every book he even feigns interest in. At the speed he’s reading them, he’ll be done with the stack by the time he’s a hundred and fifteen.

Anyways, we meet more superheroes and they become a found family. We met Lex the fire dude and Landon's brothers, Nolan and Brandon (mindreading and invincibility, respectively) in the last book, in this one we have Ellison, a hot dude who always wears a suit with the power to create clones of himself and Deus, who was raised to be a demon worshipping killer, who can turn invisible. Also the evil bunch run by Landon's parents are cool people and also are part of this family.

For future me, I am certain that Nolan and Lex will become an item and Deus and Ellison. Or maybe it will be a mmmm. I would be happy with either.

Anyways, August has a hit out on him and that's how the meet Deus. Come to find out that the big bad guys are not really bad at all but there is a super that is so strong that the other supers just let him be. But not Landon. He was able to take him down. As any antihero would do.

I enjoyed this, especially when the book got shot. I snorted so loud the people around me noticed.
