It's Not Unusual To Be Loved by an Alien (Tentacular Tales #1) by Chloe Archer

I am not going to lie, I requested this off of GRR just based off the cover. I saw tentacles and was totally going for it. And I was so glad that I did.

This book was not anything like I was expecting. The story really did make me laugh my tush off. It has an Alice Winter's type of humor in it, for those who are unsure whether to start this one or not. A bit over the top and very campy in places.

So in this one we have River, a very gay twink geek, who is absolutely sure that aliens exist. One night his neighbor who he was convinced was an alien went out for a late night drive and River and his uncle Benji followed him. In doing so, they meet Kai, the captain of the alien alliance.

Speaking of the alliance:

Alliance of Neutral Alien Lifeforms

“It’s sort of like the universe knew I needed Team ANAL and dropped me in your lap. Or you in mine. I go both ways,” he concludes with a wink.

This was pretty much instalove and fated mates which was lovely. It was not exactly smooth, as Kai had some hurt feelings from the last time he tried to be with a human. Luckily for him River is all about the tentacles. This ends on a HFN and a bit of a cliffhanger that has to do with the overarching storyline not so much on the couple.

There is a massive storyline that this series is going to revolve around and I am going to assume that all these extra people are going to hook up as well, but this could have been edited a lot. A few hundred pages less would have been good.

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