Dirty Daddies Pride 2022 - The Daddy Upgrade by Chara Croft

This review is for the story The Daddy Upgrade by Chara Croft. I have not read the other stories yet, but will update this review when I do.

Ollie had the misfortune of traveling with a horrible creature when he gets abandoned at the airport in Florida. He happens to run into a customer of the coffee shop he works in, Yves who speaks a lot of french.

“You are perfect , n'est-ce pas, mon beau?” - Yves

Ollie has not been a boy before, but does know what it is. Yves has decided he wants to be a full time Daddy. Lucky for the both of them, they like each other instantly and Daddy upgrades Ollie's ticket so that he could fly first class. He also buys Ollie a stuffy that gets down to some kinky stuff later on.

So they get back the NYC and decide to spend some time together and after some hemming and hawing, decide to try this whole Daddy/boy relationship.

ohmygodbutseriouslyI’mabouttocomeforreal. “Daddy,” I wailed.

“Yes,” he growled. “My boy. My good boy.”

Yes, this was instant. Yes, I totally bought it and loved every minute of this story. Chara has a way of sucking you in and making you cheer for the mcs.

I just wish that something bad could have happen to the dude at the airport though.

GR Link
