The Skinny on Djinni by E.J. Russell

This was so sweet

It took me until the end to figure out that all this happened in the same day. I was just that much into the story that I did not notice.

Hector was the most innocent wolf shifter I have ever met and Rafi broke my heart with how hard his life was going. Full disclosure, I have only read the first book of the mystery series, so most of the people, places, and back stories made no sense to me. Which made the beginning of this story hard to get into. Once I got further into it though, I was able to figure most of it out.

I loved the way Hector felt about tech.

He closed his eyes and sniffed. Mmmm. Copper wire. Resistors. A whiff of residual ozone. And… was that… His eyes flew open and his whistle morphed into, well, a wolf-whistle because there it was. A Kaypro II. It sat on a shelf next to a cast iron Dutch oven, its screen gazing almost coyly back at Hector.

With each trip from the truck to the counter, he had to force himself not to look at the Kaypro, despite his certainty that the machine was mourning his inattention

He took a breath. When he glanced at the Kaypro, he could swear that the screen winked at him.

So this story was about how a wolfie who did some unapproved magic/internet hacking met a down on his luck human who was not human. That is not a spoiler, the title gave it away. After a lot of driving and bonding, we find out that Rafi was not human after all and then after a very anticlimactic showdown with the creature chasing down Rafi's mother, its all settled and Rafi and Hector decide to be together. After one single day.

There is no funtimes in this story, just a kiss or two.

GR Link
