Fluke and the Faithless Father (The Fantastic Fluke #2) by Sam Burns

This was an ok story. There was nothing wrong with it exactly, but something changed between the first one and this one. I started this in audio but ended up switching to the ebook cause I just could not get into it.

In this episode, Fluke and his really ding dong of a master Sage, and Gideon spend most of the book knowing that Sage was gonna be kidnapped. It was unending and really boring. When it finally happened I got excited cause I thought maybe something was going to happen at last. What I got was what was supposedly a torture scene with a side of comedy? Don't get me wrong, I love Alice Winter and enjoy OTT scenes that are funny, but this lacked the funny part. It wasn't dark enough to make the comedy stand out.

I think this is one series that would benefit greatly with a second POV. Especially when Sage got kidnapped. I mean we knew nothing about whether anyone even knew he was taken. It was just assumed.

The great thing was that the bio dad was removed. Though thankfully he didn't show up during the story, his removal was anticlimactic.
