Felix Silver, Teaspoons & Witches by Harry Cook

First of all, please whomever is in charge of this arc, have it edited and fixed. There are random numbers, words, and even a random image that seriously throws you out of the story. The story itself needs to be edited. There are misspelled words, wrong words used, and putting in actual chapters with the name of whoever's POV it is going to be in would be great.

Onto the actual story. 

The story itself was awesome. Absolutely over the top and full of magic. 

Felix is a young gay teen who moves somewhere to be with his grandmother when his parents decide to divorce. Within a day, he meets his new best friends - Fern, Charlie and his love interest, Aero, who is bi and unashamed of it. He also finds out that teens are going missing in this magic friendly town and he and his friends are going to get to the bottom of it. Things happen, Felix gets real close to Aero, Felix finds his familiar (spoiler: its a baby dragon), things go boom and the bad person get stopped.

For some odd reason, at around 50%, the POV goes from Felix only to both Felix and Aero. Dunno why, and sometimes you have to wait until the person the POV is in says the other ones name to figure out who's head we are in. And we also have the weird pop culture items pop up. These are supposed to be teens, yet they talk and think like 30 year olds. I mean does anyone use Jerry Springer or Golden Girl references in YA anymore?

But over all, this was a good story and if it gets edited prior to launch, I would love it in audio. 

GR Link
