Daddy's Adorable Assassin by Gianni Holmes

Well this was something

First off, take all cw's for this one to heart. There were some dark stuff going on in here. There is blood, abuse, and lots of puking. The abusive funtimes was hard to read in some parts, yet Cosmo being a real doll was so awesome. You don't see that very often and I loved the tea party.

Cosmo and Hunter had issues. Cosmo was so young and was basically raised to be messed up, but Hunter did not have that excuse. I mean, Hunter went from being an upstanding citizen to protecting Cosmo no matter what with very little prompting.

Now don't get me wrong, Hunter said he was a good person, but actions speak louder than words. Especially that scene near the end, that was messed up.

Let me also point out that Cosmo was really not smart and the reveal of who he really was did not ring true to me.

Also, I want to mention the whole "Hunter was not bi but Cosmo shows up and everyone around him wanted to have him" thing was odd. Also, Hunter kept messing around with Knight which did not make sense. If he was so obsessed with Cosmo, he should not have wanted anyone else.

As you can possibly tell this book was nothing like the first one. While the first was dark there was always a reason things happened, not so much here though. However the writing itself was so much better. I was sucked in from the beginning and stayed that way until the end.

GR Link
