Unfinished Business by Tim Susman

I actually enjoyed this one, the over the top action scenes, too many parentheses, and all. Jae was someone who basically was a hermit who's best friend was his bound ghost, Sergei. There was only Jae's POV for the entire story. At first, I was not into Jae. He just wasn't very interesting and the chapters seemed to be drawn out. I did read at the end that this was a serial that was converted to a book, so that made more sense.

Jae is a PI that is asked by his friend to follow the friend's wife to see if they are cheating, then everything goes from being boring to chock full of exciting things. One of the exciting things is his meeting up with his ex wolf boyfriend that only happened because his ghost Sergei set him up. Sergei was funny. I would have loved a POV from him. The ending was rushed. I really wish that it had been a bit longer between the "I have not seen you in 4 years when I kicked you to the curb" to the "Let's start a long distance relationship and see what happens."

I do have to point out that while there is no sexytimes in this book, Jae does kiss Czoltan while he is shifted. I had no issues with the wolves and other shifters running around partially shifted, but just a heads up in case you do.
